Issue 139: the top 5 studies on discounting PROPERLY

+ The Major Thing Your Media Buying Strategy Has Wrong


BFCM vibes are hitting hard this week folks. If you’re not actively preparing for war with thoughts of Helm’s Deep flashing through your head, are you even e-comming? 🤷 


If you're reading this post, I'm going to assume 3 things about you:

  1. You might not be a giant psychology nerd like me, 😂 but I bet you dabble in marketing, advertising, or sales.

  2. If you dabble in marketing, advertising, or sales, you probably run discounts.

  3. And if you run discounts I'm assuming they usually end in a 7 or a 9 because that's what works...right?

If I'm on the right track here, good news - you're gonna love today's newsletter! Because today I'm going to show you what science has to say about discounting correctly and how to use psychology within your discounts so you can sell more with science.

How to Properly Build a $.99 Discount

Almost every brand I've ever worked with runs their discounts with a $.99 ending (or sometimes $.97)...but is that really the best way to do it? Should you use a $.99 discount? Or is there a better, more effective way to communicate the value you're offering?

​There's a ton of research behind the neuroscience of 7 and 9 (I can do a newsletter on this if you guys are interested), but according to the science, there's one simple hack that can boost the performance of any discount ending in $.99…

​$.99 discounts are actually more effective when displayed next to the original price.​

This works because people need context to decide what's worth spending energy on..and it's crazy easy to implement (especially in your ads).

Whenever you run a discount with a $.99 ending, just slap the original price next to the discount and you're good to go.


The Major Thing Your Media Buying Strategy Has Wrong


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  • @iamkevinkrieg 1m/month lander right here 💰 Love coming back to that brand to look at their ads & landers.

  • @ecomwithtom I made £330,928 in 90 days selling mushrooms 🍄 Ask me anything

  • Noah King Custom data segmentation is the best way to lower advertising costs on Meta/Facebook. I've been exploring this for the past year and have found three different ways to segment order data, making it a great option for a wide range of eCommerce businesses.

  • @sourfraser Creative testing is like any other experiment. Change one thing at a time and see what happens.

  • Ashvin Melwani We made some pretty big changes last year... With these changes our Contribution Margin improved by 133%, and we were able to lower our CAC by 30%. Let's break it down:

    @max_rosewater Here’s the fix for Checkout Extensibility breaking your CAPI, if your CAPI is still busted.





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Don’t know about you but we definitely feel something big coming toward the end of this year.

Time will tell! ✌️


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