Issue 128: Using AI to create FB ads in <10 mins 💪💪

+5 Growth Lessons from Eight Sleep


Not often that a week comes along where' you’re just enthusiastic AF, but this is one of those weeks, folks! Here’s hoping that yours is off to as rip-roaring a start as ours is.



I recently celebrated my 3 year anniversary at Eight Sleep.

The occasion got me thinking about how much the DTC landscape has changed since I joined back in 2021.

And, it reminded me of some of the lessons that we’ve learned along the way.

In this post, I’ll share a few of those learnings in hopes that it sparks a few ideas for you and your team.

The paid media world was different back in 2021.

  • Apple’s iOS-14 update was still fresh and felt widely across advertisers.

  • The DTC environment was flush with outside capital as investors poured in post-COVID.

  • Growth was all that mattered.

  • And, I (like many others) was entering a new era where joining a company remotely was the norm rather than the exception.

Fast forward to today and a lot has changed.

  • We have mostly figured out how to run efficient ad accounts post iOS-14.

  • The availability of outside capital for DTC brands has basically vanished.

  • The “growth at all cost” mindset has been replaced with the “grow, but do so with strong unit economics and a path to profitably” mindset.

  • And, I (like many others) are still trying to figure how to hire and lead productive teams in an async first environment.

We’ve learned a lot as the macro environment has changed.


I Used AI to Create Facebook Ads in Less than 10mins


Want to Know the Secret to Real Consumer Trust?

“Proof is the rarest component to manufacture.” - Joe Sugarman

The DTC market is crowded because everyone is competing for attention. Consumers are overwhelmed with choices and bombarded with ads, making your brand hard to trust. Trust in traditional advertising is at an all-time low.

In a saturated market, standing out requires more than just claims— it requires proof. But how do you give that proof to skeptical consumers?

👉 Through influential brand ambassadors

People trust people. When an influencer talks about your product, it feels real and authentic - like a friend’s recommendation. It’s genuine social proof that people believe in.

But… finding and managing the right influencers can be a daunting task. That’s where SARAL steps in.

SARAL makes working with influencers easy. Find the right ones, manage your campaigns, and see how well they perform. All in one place.

Plus, SARAL’s pricing is affordable, and you can try it free for (exclusive for W6 readers) 14 days.

Stand out in the crowded market with SARAL and authentic influencer proof.


  • @sourfraser: Test messaging with your statics. Faster to make and cheaper. Then build out the winning idea with a video. The format to find endless winners.

  • @kennymcduck: This is the best packaging I've seen. Doesn't fit the classic CPG look but still clean af and it works. Sold me and keeps reselling me.

  • Ashvin Melwani: This was the biggest tip I saw in email marketing that changed my whole perspective on how to handle retention marketing. Ok so customer opens an email → click on something → doesn’t buy. What does this mean? They’re telling you what they’re interested in just by that one click.

  • @KateBour: Don’t envy other people’s bank accounts if you wouldn’t envy their lifestyle. Remember: Happiness is the goal.

  • @DylanAnder: If you have the opportunity to sell your company, I highly recommend exploring it. A lot of people think "we have so much room to grow" but uh, humans make plans and god laughs.





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Got a job you want us to list? Let us know.


Until next time, don’t drink the water unless you will both swim and fish in it.

Adios! ✌️


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