Issue 115: Ideal LP structure for boosted Conversions 🚀

+ Direct vs Indirect Cashflow Forecasting

Okay, y’all better clap for this issue — and by that we mean ☝️ read to the bottom, ✌️ click on the sponsor links, 👌 reply and let us know how much you loved it — or else NO ONE graduates this year.

Graduation privileges will be summarily revoked. ❌

On with the show!


If you are looking to sell a specific product, then a landing page can be a great way to provide all the information a potential customer could need, all in one place. Landing pages are used to connect customers to your site from an external link, whether it be a social ad, promotion or newsletter.

Rather than customers landing on a certain page of your website, they wil instead land on a specifically designed page with the intention of converting a sale for that particular product. This is especially important if you are offering a discount or promotion, as it will keep them on this page, rather than jumping to other pages on your website and missing out on the promotion. While your website will have to appeal to all potential customers you are targeting, a landing page can pinpoint a certain audience, and cater the contents to help convert this lead into a paying customer.

Why to use landing pages


Hidden Psychology Of The World’s Best Advertising - Rory Sutherland


Why “IGC” crushes boring and typical UGC ad content 💁‍♀️🤳

Looking for a way to make your brand stand out in the noise of social media ads? It's time to tap into the power of authenticity with influencer-generated content (IGC). Real stories, real people, and engagement—that's what you get when influencers share their genuine experiences with your products.

Why does this matter? Influencer Generated Content (or IGC) boosts authenticity, trust, and engagement. It's more than just marketing; it's building connections. These creators don't just push your products—they bring them to life in ways that resonate deeply with their followers. The result? More likes, more shares, and more conversations around your brand.

But how do you make it all happen seamlessly? Enter SARAL.

With SARAL, finding the perfect influencers for your brand is as simple as typing a search. It helps you discover influencers who love your niche.

Once you find the best people, you can automate outreach, ship free products, and watch them post about you on almost autopilot.

Try it out with the Workspace6-special 14-day free trial. Experience how simple and effective influencer marketing can be.

Too soon for a trial? Get an exploratory demo with them to see if this would work for your brand.


  • @codyplof: Finally some good news for our industry. Temu steps back from US market and inflation showing signs of cooling off. What’s next? Meta working again?

  • Jon Ivanco: Ecommerce simplified… 👉️ 

  • @mikebeckhamsm: The hardest part of building anything is managing yourself. On the worst days, can you remind yourself of the reasons for hope? Do you have the perseverance to keep going when no one is clapping and nothing is working the way you hoped? On the best days…

  • @KateBour: Hot take 🔥 Killer marketing doesn’t come from following some guru’s “easy 7-step system” It comes from applied psychology…

  • @ChereneAubert: I still see so many tweets about asc vs cbo, lowest cost vs cost cap. It’s WILD how little yall talk about creative and the effort and creative strategy that goes into making great ads. The creative drives 90% of paid media success, not your tinkering in the account.

  • Jim Huffman: I've worked with 100+ brands. Some raised millions and others went on Shark Tank. Here's 23 strats I've seen over and over again take someone from idea 💡 to 8-figures...




Crazy story. An Instagram influencer sh*t his pants running a sub-3hr Boston Marathon

And posted it to ~10.5 M Instagram viewers

But DUDE Wipes turned it into a marketing masterclass




Got a job you want us to list? Let us know.


Aight, we’re ready for our standing ovation.

Until next time! ✌️


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