Issue 114: The 10m-View-Video Formula 🎬

+ ALOHA's UGC Playbook

Through the powerrrrr of scheduling 🪄this email arrives front and center in your inbox at what we’ve determined to be the ideal time to interrupt your mid-morning sprint and spread some dtc joy.



With 3 million subscribers and an average of 10 million views per YouTube Short, Hoyos is dominating the short-form game.

And with ad dollars moving from long-form to short-form creators - she’s onto something big.

So, what's her secret sauce? Hoyos has developed a tried-and-true structure for creating viral short-form content.

Stop the Scroll: Master the Hook

The first few seconds determine if someone stops to watch or swipes away.

Hoyos would even change the idea of the entire video for a strong hook.

To craft a magnetic hook, Hoyos suggests it needs to be:

  • Concise

  • No more than 3 seconds

  • Visually pleasing

And one of her go-to tricks? Power words.

Words like "banned," "free," "one dollar," "secret," or "cheap." These attention-grabbing terms instantly pique curiosity.

They encourage viewers to stick around to discover more.

For instance, a hook like "$1 chicken sandwich"


The Ultimate Social Media Marketing Strategy


This new AI search tool helps you discover brand-fit influencers (here's how)

Are your influencer marketing efforts hitting a wall?

Picture this: you're scrolling endlessly, trying to match your brand with the right influencer. It's not just about finding someone with a massive following— it's about aligning their audience with your brand. There is just not enough time or energy or resources to do this manually 😰

Enter SARAL, your powerful assistant that helps you get dozens of influencers in less than a few hours of work!

SARAL is a search engine for influencers that helps you find untapped influencers who truly influence your audience.

Streamline your entire process from discovery to management—sending emails, driving collaborations, and shipping products directly from one platform.

No long-term commitments herestart with a W6-special 14-day free trial and see the difference yourself. And don't worry about navigating the waters alone; their customer happiness team is at your side with regular check-ins and strategic guidance.


  • Tim Keen: 7+ figure brands- These 6 pieces of tech will help you sleep at night. (and how agencies can use them to sell)

  • @RyeMcKenzie: Have you found a cheaper alternative to an expensive Shopify app? (that you are actually happy with)

    Sharing is caring.

  • Alex Cooper: Stop turning off top performing ads because they’re not efficient. The reason your top spending ad has a higher CPA is because it’s bearing the brunt of the spend.

  • @philkyprianou: What are your top Cart Drawer suggestions for Shopify?

  • @JosephPutnam: Anyone have any tips on how to get people talking about brands, aka increasing word of mouth?




One of these products has a Click-Through Rate on Amazon that is 6x greater than the other.

Which of these has a higher CTR?

Let me know your answer in the comments 👇




Got a job you want us to list? Let us know.


There you have it! Consider yourself dosed up. Now get back out there and crush it, team!

💪 O’Doyle Rules!


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