Issue 112: Rebuilding to 9-Figs from $0 all over again

+ Inside Sharma's Email Strategy

Who doesn’t love starting the week with a solid AF “blast off” gif?

Zero people on the publishing committee of this newsletter, anyway.

LFG! 🚀🚀🚀 

flying lets go GIF by John Artur


Everyone is always talking about paid media and conversion rate optimization, but email is often the unsung hero for many brands.

In a world of fleeting trends and momentary buzz, email stands out as a cornerstone of enduring customer relationships.

Yet, many marketers still miss the mark, focusing solely on sending messages rather than making meaningful connections.

At Sharma Brands, we redefine retention marketing by mastering the art of conversation with your audience.

We don't just send emails; we craft personalized journeys that captivate and convert, turning every inbox touchpoint into a powerful opportunity for growth and engagement.

Campaign Strategy

Our strategy revolves around understanding our audience and delivering content that resonates. We focus on:

  • Creative Excellence: Our emails stand out with stunning visuals and compelling copy. We're constantly A/B testing elements like subject lines, header images (product vs. lifestyle), and email length to discover what truly engages our audience.

  • Optimized Cadence: We maintain a balanced email calendar, sending out three evergreen campaigns weekly, with increased frequency during sales or product launches. This ensures we keep our entire list engaged without overwhelming our subscribers.

  • Conversion Rate Optimization: Despite high open and click rates, there's always room to improve conversion rates. We leverage insights from our audits to refine our messaging and calls-to-action, ensuring every email moves the needle.


Understanding our audience is key to our email marketing success. We employ a tiered segmentation strategy based on recency, frequency, and monetary value (RFM), ensuring messages are tailored to the engagement level and interests of each subscriber. This approach not only maintains list health as we scale but also maximizes the relevance and impact of each email sent.


If I wanted to make $100,000,000 all over again, here’s how I’d do it


This report proves that the marketing funnel is dead 💀 

"I'm not seeing returns on my influencer campaigns."

Many brands jump into influencer marketing, hoping for quick sales boosts, but are puzzled when the results aren't immediately apparent. It's tempting to write off influencer marketing when you don't see a direct link to sales right away.

Here's the talk: You're measuring success the wrong way. Attribution in influencer marketing is not as straightforward as performance marketing.

Influencer marketing isn't just about instant sales— but building relationships, raising brand awareness, and nurturing customer journeys that don't always follow a straight funnel.

This ebook put together by the team at SARAL provides a fresh perspective on accurately measuring influencer marketing ROI based on insights from 100’s of brands and marketers.

Find answers to questions like:

🤔 Is the old-school "marketing funnel" still relevant?

📍 Is tracking a customer's journey from seeing an ad to buying something possible?

😲 Are the numbers from the big corps as clear-cut as they seem?

Learn how leading marketers measure success for their campaigns.


  • @andrewjfaris: My #1 favorite ad hook right now…

  • @thesullytyler: Whoa…: Facebook is offering 20 percent off to customers if they buy on meta shop?! Trying to match what tik tok was doing …

  • Neal Goyal: When a brand on Shopify evaluates a new SaaS tool, what is the most pressing question they want answered? "How much bandwidth will this require from our team?"

  • @TaylorHoliday: Eugene Schwartz on click based advertising: "Let’s get to the heart of the matter. The power, the force, the overwhelming urge to own that makes advertising work, comes from the market itself, and not from the copy. Copy cannot create desire for a product.

  • @Codie_Sanchez: The economy is going to get bad. If you are losing money or need to cut costs here is how we do it…




Last week's performance was poor, so last Wednesday, I churned out 50 ad concepts in 2 days.

Facebook ads can be unpredictable, and it's crucial to have backup creatives ready for any performance dips. (We had massive overspending issues last Friday).

As advertisers, we can control the number of creative tests we ship out.

I noticed the majority of ad spend going on a single winning ad to scale. Being on a monthly ad spend of around $100k, there wasn't much creative diversification, with just one creative being used for scaling. And when this angle didn't perform well for a few days, revenue/MER started to decline.

This is how I combated the performance issue.

  1. Extracted all customer reviews and imported back into ChatGPT to identify the top 10 common phrases that customers were saying.

  2. Chose the type of market awareness to focus on for the new ad concept.

  3. Chose 5 to 7 creative styles (e.g. product comparison ads, carousel ads, images with testimonials, text, and GIFs)

  4. Wrote a core body copy and crafted 20 body copy hooks within that.

Launched 50 ad variations took 1 to 2 business days. A few days later, I identified two ~ three ads with significant potential to scale with larger budgets.





Got a job you want us to list? Let us know.


Here’s hoping this helping of DTC News magic was everything you were searching for to kickstart your week, y’all. Send positive feedback cause we’re needy. 🥹 

✌️ Adios!


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