Issue 110: Amazing Shopify Stores on a Budget

+ The Turnaround Profitability Playbook

Nevermind all the ecom nonsense for a bit. Obviously the thing to be consumed by is what everyone wore and/or is-wearing to the Met Gala. (Is it over, yet? Full disclosure… not really paying attention. 😬)

Further to this… what exactly is the Met Gala? In the absence of an answer that satisfies, we bring you the spicy ecom news that we’re known for. 💃 



I've worked primarily on eCommerce turnarounds.

Typical profile:

  • $100m/yr in revenue

  • Losing $10m/yr.

  • Current owners want to get it off the books.

My business partner (and PostPilot co-founder) Michael Epstein and I would swoop in with new Private Equity ownership, right the ship A$AP, get it profitable, and (ideally) sell it in a few years.

Over the 15 years we've been doing this, we've developed a playbook of sorts.

This one.

Although these are written from the POV of that turnaround situation where everybody’s hair is on fire to avoid hitting the iceberg, you can likely take some of the lessons for your own org to make big changes in a short period of time. Look for the Nerd Marketing “Evergreen Advice” stamp.

And many of the principles have guided me well over the years, even when I’m not wearing my wartime CEO helmet.


$100k Website Secrets - Amazing Shopify Stores On A Budget


Are you wasting your marketing budget on saturated channels? 😓 

You’re making a mistake by relying heavily on "traditional" strategies like ads. Your message might be reaching far and wide, but not to the people who are most interested in what you offer. It's time to layer on a more trustworthy approach.

Influencer marketing is your best bet to build trust with your niche. With influencers, you can create a tailor-made community that keeps promoting your brand. And because influencers connect with their followers directly, your brand will reach a focused & highly engaged audience to be seen as reliable and authentic.

Now, how do you make getting influencers easy and manageable?

With SARAL, you can find the perfect influencers for your brand, manage all communications and campaigns from a single dashboard, and get insights into what's working. The customer happiness team is set up to ensure your wins and as you grow, SARAL makes it easy to scale up your influencer marketing efforts without losing sanity.





Here’s the 9-part structure of our new Mother’s Day ad.

  • Hook

  • Failed Solution

  • Agitate

  • Solution

  • Product Intro

  • Benefit

  • Benefit

  • Benefit

  • CTA

Easiest way to find the right audience?

Pick a failed solution and write your script from that reliable foundation.





Got a job you want us to list? Let us know.


Welp, that about does it for this issue folks! Until next year when we will once again ponder the existence and meaning of the Met Gala.

✌️ Adios!


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