Issue 104: 5 Must-Try Landing Pages for 2024

+ Ezra Firestone on REAL Work-Life Balance

Everyone have a good ol’ look at the eclipse? Anyone go blind? Who used their Vision Pros? Who recorded it on their phone to watch it back instead of staring directly into the swirling vortex of light?

Who isn’t in America and therefore doesn’t care?



Everyone knows that custom landing pages are a must for converting paid traffic at scale, but…

What types of landing pages are actually worth testing?

In this post, I will go through the 5 different landing page types that I’ve seen work for paid ads with examples for each.


Ezra Firestone Reveals the REAL Key to Success and the Importance of Work-Life Balance


Why most brands are killing their influencer campaigns 💀👉

One-off influencer campaigns? They're like fireworks: a quick sparkle, and then poof - gone. True impact is built with lasting relationships. It’s not just about a single post or a single sale, but about getting consistent social proof through an influential community.

Why? Because repeat collaborations get trust and loyalty from the audience. They start seeing your brand as part of their community, not just another ad.

SARAL helps turn those one-time deals into long-term wins:

🔦 Find untapped influencers in your niche

📧 Contact them directly

🍃 Never let a single conversation slip through the cracks

🔁 Track sales and do long-term collabs with high-performers

🚀 Try SARAL for free and start building a community, not just a campaign.

Not sure? Talk to their team to learn more.


  • @drewfallon12: if you were going to start a cpg brand from zero today, what’s the minimum amount of money you’d need to start?

  • @dtcforbreakfast: wtf is this? Someone attacking my store or something? Anyone experienced this before high level of fraud orders. Mostly coming from NY NJ and PA?

  • Jekaterina Kokatjuhha: One common mistake when calculating CLV is ... not time-boxing it. Time-boxed Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is…

  • @DaveRekuc: You should not optimize for AOV or CVR. You should optimize for gross margin per session (or visitor).

  • @tomaldertweets: Try not to hear this… 🥤 

  • @SeanEcom: 94- You need decision clarity. Every business is a compounding decision machine. Small decisions, big decisions, important ones, killer ones... You need clarity in WHAT is ACTUALLY important.




Every brand is different, but their lifecycle is the same...if they survive long enough. If you're looking to get more profitable, navigating the diminishing performance of your "performance" marketing, or if you know that investing in building brand is essential, but the "how" is less clear, this post is for you.

Here are my lessons around finding a balance of Brand building and DR in hopes you can skip the pain and jump straight to stage 4.

A) Why brands can get overly-reliant on bottom-funnel, short-term revenue-maximizing strategies and tactics:

Ahh, the good ol' days

Pretty much everything works in driving revenue, which is usually the definition of success at that stage

The dopamine hit from putting a dollar in the Meta Machine and getting 6-10 out is addictive

However, as with any addiction, the need for more dollars in to get the same dollars out keeps increasing

But its hard to feel that pain since the change is gradual - peppered with times where performance improves...briefly

It ropes you back in, keeping you convinced that if you just write a better tagline or find the perfect static asset CTA variant, you'll unlock ROAS of the early days

B) Finding out its no longer working

You start to learn about:

  1. vanity metrics

  2. metrics that matter

  3. and to update the definition of success

You go beyond maximizing ROAS and Revenue

You start looking at the composition of new customer revenue traffic sources

You discover that a larger and larger portion is connected to paid traffic sources

The proportion of new customer revenue from owned and organic channels is decreasing as a percentage of total, making it more and more expensive to hit growth goals

Stepping back and looking at that data over a number of years makes it clear that change is needed




  • Product Marketing Manager (Platter)


Got a job you want us to list? Let us know.


Well! Given that this eclipse didn’t seem to herald the coming apocalypse, I suppose we can all go back to optimizing our ad accounts and sending campaign emails, right?

These shekels aren’t gonna amass themselves. ✌️


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