Issue 095: Read BEFORE you redesign packaging.

+ Holy Grail of Social Media Tactics for 2024

Boom! Klaviyo busting through the Agency Saloon doors and letting that swingback catch some agencies in the face. (Okay, not exactly. It was all very nice-nice on social media.) But, the jury is out. Some are like, “Yay!” Others are like, “Nah.”

Watch this space.


This is the year of characters, personalities, and storylines on social media.

Content is entertainment before commerce.

TikTok, Instagram and Youtube are competing with Netflix, HBO and all streaming and regular TV for your time and watching attention.

At the same time, consumers are disconnected to the regular, recurring storylines of tv, movies, books and magazines, but still crave the same stimulation and connection that come from their plots.

This is where your content as a creator, or as a brand needs to live.

Why listen to us?

In 2023, we collectively grew more than 500k+ followers, worked on brands that gained even more across multiple niches, hired creators to run brand accounts, deployed seven figures in influencer sponsorship capital to drive omni-channel sales, and created the [Cut30] bootcamp in Q4 that’s sparked dozens of new creators to five figure growth and helped tons more get started.

Through constant conversation with brands, influencers, and other teams working on and in Cut30, we have our finger on a very specific pulse of content that is meant not just to perform, but to create long term value.

We study this daily, organize our insights and learnings, and have compiled our outlook on 2024 into the report below.

It focuses on 3 key sections:

  • Navigating the networks

  • Treating content as entertainment

  • Influencer strategy for brands


The Underdog: From Dead Broke to $30,000,000


The #1 Upsell App | Used by 15,000+ Stores | $670M+ Additional Revenue Generated

Yiiikes… Did you know Shopify merchants are losing 10–15% of their total revenue because they don’t offer upsells?

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OneClickUpsell is the #1 upsell app for over 15,000 Shopify stores including brands like Tushy, Dr. Squatch, Victoria Beckham—and guess what?

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That’s because OneClickUpsell has more features—and more offer placements—than other upsell apps on the market. You can install the app, launch your first upsell funnel, and start making 10–15% more sales in just 10 minutes or less.

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  • @BlackLabelAdvsr: Maybe Thrasio paying out 10–15x EBITDA multiples was a bad idea. Just a hunch. Could be wrong.

  • @mbertulli: A simple hack for making hard decisions. Ask yourself, what would need to be true for this decision to be easy?

  • Jon Ivanco: Should we just let users decide the offer they want via a popup? We can logic map to the right ending and just send through the value they select. Kind of thinking this might be the smart way forward.

  • John Chao: 📊 February 2024 Shopify E-Commerce Benchmark Metrics [CHART]

  • @TaylorHoliday: There is no such thing as headlines that work. Only headlines that worked. Understanding the difference is the key to successful creative strategy.

  • @ecomchasedimond: I saw the writing on the wall with this one awhile ago. Klaviyo just rolled out their own agency services. If it weren’t for agencies, Klaviyo wouldn’t be where they are today.

  • @rabahrahil: Hot Take: Klaviyo getting a lot of heat, but if I was an email heavy brand and what they are offering is akin to the OG FB Disruptors...its going to be hard for an email agency to compete. Caveat: If you already have an in at Klaviyo.




Few people understand how the Facebook/Meta algorithm really works. This is particularly dangerous when you have too small a budget and too few conversions in a given ad campaign.

Meta is singularly focused on delivering the goal you ask it to optimize to.

  • Ask it to optimize to Sales/Purchases and it will find more customers.

  • Ask it to optimize to Clicks and it will find cheap traffic.

  • Ask it to optimize to Reach and it will reach as many people as possible.

But if you don't deliver the minimum volume of 50 conversions against your goal (per adset, per week) Meta doesn't have enough data to build a machine learning model, exit learnings, and run its optimization algorithms correctly.

So instead it will go higher in the funnel to the next thing it does have 50 of. Too few purchases, and Meta looks at clicks. Too few clicks and Meta looks at impression delivery.

But if you want to get more purchases, it's not ideal to have Meta optimizing to something else. This leads to terrible performance, guessing, and inaccurate attribution.

This is why smaller brands with lower volume should follow the best practice of campaign consolidation. Put all your budget into one consolidated campaign to group together your conversion volume. Do this until you are getting 100 weekly conversions - then you can split into more campaigns.

This is why bigger brands who have lots of campaigns, multiple test cells, or segmented conversion events should ensure they don't split their conversions pie into too many pieces.

If you have erratic, inaccurate attribution and bad ad performance, this might be why.




Got a job you want us to list? Let us know.


That’s it y’all. Time to saddle up and ride into the sunset.

Yippee-ki-yay-mofos. ✌️🤠


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