Issue 094: 2 email strats for 2024 (and which to pick) šŸ“©

+ Discovering your PERFECT Content Strategy šŸ¤“

I donā€™t know if it will come as a surprise but the whole of DTC News by Workspace6 is compiled lovingly while blasting either 90s country music or 80s power ballads.

We donā€™t even like it that much, but itā€™s part of our brand guide that alternating between Alan Jackson and Michael Bolton equates to a superior newsletter. šŸ¤· 

We literally donā€™t make the rules.

Good Times GIF by Alan Jackson


Most marketing activities follow the Pareto principle: 80% of your upside will come from 20% of your decisions and tactics. Email is similar. I see a lot of hand-wringing over segmentation strategies, flows and testing. If your brand is doing under $30M a year in sales, that is wasted effort.

Iā€™m going to share a select list of first principles and critical tactics that will actually make you money from email in 2024.

Email Marketing First Principles

Your email file = a microcosm of your customer file.

What does this mean? If your email performance is in the pooper, itā€™s probably a sign of larger issues with your business as a whole. The exception would be technical issues like deliverability.

If you want to fix your email problems, you probably have to fix your business first. ā€œOptimizationā€ can slow counteract the bleedingā€¦for a little while. But it wonā€™t heal the wound.

From a strategic standpoint, the microcosm concept means that there are certain principles that govern how your subscriber base behaves. Work with these principles and grow:

  • Recency is important. Many prospects tune out after 24-48 hours, even if they donā€™t subscribe. Customers who subscribe tune out after 7-14 days if the content isnā€™t relevant.

  • Your loyalists = your most engaged/reactive audience. Theyā€™re probably 20% of your subs and 80% of your attributed revenue. Therefore, their preferences dominate file-wide test results, which can become a red herring.

  • Acquisition is essential. Very few of your new subscribers become long time engaged subscribers. If you want the file to grow, you need to keep subscriber acquisition constant or growing.


Discovering your PERFECT Content Strategy with JT Barnett


Maximize repeat purchases with targeted user segmentation & seamless AI-driven product matches.

Brands like Allbirds (Korea), Rael, Sungboon Editor and Washswat are watching their conversions skyrocket with Retentics. But, what is it?

AI-powered segmentation analyzing your customerā€™s purchase behavior and delivering dynamic product recommendations in a way that far surpasses the norm.

In a recent case study, Rael saw a 3.8x increase in conversion rate and 4.1x increase in revenue generated compared to their standard broadcast campaigns with little to no personalized product recommendations.

If the additional revenue and happier customers wasnā€™t enough, what might be the best part is that all it takes is 3 clicks, and you can let Retentics take care of the rest. šŸ‘Œ

If you struggle with how to segment and whenā€¦ if you know that AI ought to be able to make more strategic product recommendations with better conversion results, then you need to have a chat with the team at Retentics.

Book a call with Zack to discuss how Retentics could boost your brandā€™s email revenue. In a time when personalized messaging is King šŸ‘‘ā€¦ Retentics is a King-maker.


  • @C_Shelefontiuk: Most brands fail at CRO in-house because they lack consistency. Quality of test is important. But that doesn't mean shit if it takes you weeks/months to test something. Consistent cadence/process for CRO & A/B testing is a necessity if you want to maximize your growth potential.

  • @SeanEcom: Debt is the only thing that can put you out of business. Owing someone money that you donā€™t have, for long enough, leads to bankruptcy. But itā€™s also the best tool for pushing your rate of return. See, everything has a rate of return.

  • @ashvinmelwani: Idk how you guys feel but Iā€™m a little worried about TikTok Shop. For one, brands are getting a TON of exposure from TikTokā€™s algorithm. Which is great. Butā€¦

  • Codie A. Sanchez: This company is valued at $1.2B. And spends $2M/mo on podcasts. Here's their storyā€¦

  • @codyplof: Meta is terrible right now. I usually think it's seasonal buying behavior when people complain about the algo, but I do think Meta is messed up right now. Seeing some of the weirdest performance and data in a while.




This may be the ugliest ad we've ever made.

And guess's consistently been one of the top performers for this brand since we launched it in November.

Everyone says "make ads that don't look like ads".

But as soon as their creators start speaking, you immediately know it's an ad.

This was completely improvised and unscripted.

And it resulted in a piece of content that people actually want to watch.

Keep your UGC. Content-first creative is the way you sell products in 2024.




Got a job you want us to list? Let us know.


Okay, okayā€¦ Yes, we do in fact love Michael Boltonā€¦ and if you donā€™t shed a tear when Meat Loaf is pouring his heart out in Anything For Love, are you even human?

Itā€™s the truth. Ad accounts run better on Meat Loaf. šŸŽ¤šŸ¤˜ 


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