Issue 086: 20.1 Million Paid VIews on ONE Ad 🤯

+ Make your Above-The-Fold EARN The Scroll 📱

Wooo dang. Is email marketing dead yet? Or nah?

Why do they always have to be coming at emails with the knives out? 🤦 Not cool, y’all. Not cool.

Dave Chappelle Wow GIF


Your ideal customer visits your landing page.

It's time for your above the fold to shine.

Too bad they bounced.


Your above-the-fold earn the scroll.

Because a high converting landing page breaks down into two parts with two different jobs:

  1. Above The Fold - Earn the scroll

  2. Below The Fold - Earn the sale

Without earning the scroll and you’ll never earn the sale.

So, let’s walk through how to create an above-the-fold that earns the scroll step by step.

Here’s The Anatomy Of An Above The Fold That Earns The Scroll

There are five elements:

  1. Headline - Big, Bold Idea

  2. Subheadline - Supports your H1 and introduces your product

  3. Creative - Product photo, GIF, or video

  4. Social proof - Supports your claims

  5. CTA - Drives action


These Facebook Ads Creatives Convert LIKE CRAZY in 2024


Get Actionable, Practical, No-BS Advice From A CFO Who Is Focused On Brand Growth, Profits & Scale

Testimonial by David Menzel @ Salty Face

After a few years of losses and declining sales, we helped the following baby-focused eCom brand turn the ship around for an 8-figure exit. How did we help?

  • Found new and better financing

  • Optimized ad and marketing budgets

  • Helped with supplier negotiations, got better terms

  • Forecasting and scenario planning to make sure we could adapt to changing economy and buyer behavior

  • Cut non-performing SKUs

  • and more 😜 

Sales growth for this CPG brand was phenomenal but we needed to break even, right away. How did we help?

  • Better reporting for all departments

  • Tight budgets and cost controls

  • Optimized ad and marketing budgets

  • SKU rationalization project

  • Set up subsidiaries in Asia and USA

  • and more 😎 

I have an offer for the Workspace6 crew. I want to talk about your business and all the lost profit we can find in it. Book a call and let’s chat. I’ll deliver a free Financial Plan, normally valued at $2500, for free to W6 members and readers. In it, you’ll get:

  • A 3-year financial forecast, by the month.

  • A P&L, cash flow plan and balance sheet forecast

  • Marketing and CAC budgets

  • Recommendations from our CFOs for increasing your valuation

  • And a lot more 👍️ 

I’m in the W6 Slack community if you want to chat. Just find me there. Otherwise, book a call and we’ll go from there. Talk soon!


  • Taylor Lagace: 12 types of ad creatives to test in 2024:

  • @BillDA: We've been playing with RevenueRoll too - it's like Retention dot com (or any of those "identify anonymous visitors" softwares) but on steroids.

  • @heyitsalexP: A great example of expressed vs revealed preferences.

  • @RyeMcKenzie: Do you think your landing page is perfect as it is? Do you think there's absolutely nothing you can improve?

    You might wanna think again. These 11 elements are the KEY I've used to make a high-performance landing page that drives sales.

  • Neal Goyal: D-Day for Email Marketing Discussion




We sold over $100M worth of silicone wedding rings in 4 years with QALO.

We did it primarily with product on white ads like this one.

No fast edits, crazy hooks or fake UGC.

Here's how we made this ad so successful without touching the ad account...

I believe the job of a direct response ad is to get the customer to buy RIGHT NOW.

But in order to do that you have to till up the soil a bit.

You need to prepare them to purchase. That involves surrounding them with signals that this is the product for them.

If you didn't see my tweet yesterday, watch this to see what I mean...

To accomplish this we needed to have a clear idea of who our customer was in order to understand the world that they occupy.

In this case our target was married/engaged crossfitters

From there we can begin to surround them physically and digitally. Planting our product in their subconscious minds.

Here is how we did that...

We identified the top 100 crossfit gyms in the country and sent them a message that we would give their entire staff free product if they hung a GIANT banner in the gym.

60% of them said yes.

We made a list of the top 25 brands in the space and sent all of their employees free product.

(these people are influencers)



  • Lifecycle and Retention Marketing Director (Tipsy Elves)

  • Brand Manager (ResBiotic)

  • Senior Media Buyer (Bryan Anthonys)

  • E-commerce Manager (Glade Optics)

  • Director of Growth Marketing / Demand Gen / Paid Acquisition (

  • CX Assistant Manager (Flux Footwear)

  • Director of Retention (Slumberkins)

  • Senior Content Writer (DMoose)

  • Marketing Manager (DMoose)

  • Full-Time In-House Paid Social (BOREDWALK)



  • Growth Strategist (SwiftStart)

  • Head of Marketing (Tax Valet)

Got a job you want us to list? Let us know.


Okay! So, best as we can tell, emails are still in the game. But, probably a good idea to diversify your portfolio. SMS. Site and app notifications. Etc., Etc.,

Hang tough, team!  

