Issue 082: Meta Ads Creative šŸŖ“ Hack: Ugly Ads w/ Barry Hott

PLUS: Add $1M to your Bottom Line in 5 Mins šŸ”®

Awwwww yeahhhhhh! Can someone say, ā€œFinal Issue of the Yearā€?

We can and weā€™re dropping itā€¦

Chris Pratt Dinosaurs GIF by Omaze

Gif by omaze on Giphy



If youā€™re reading this, there is a good chance you have a lot of jobs.

You might only have one title, but I promise you have more than one job to be done.

I call this the ā€œMany Hats Problemā€.

Iā€™m going to use myself as the example to get the point across. This isnā€™t theoretical, this is what I struggle with every day.

If I zoom out, I have two major roles (hats) that I must satisfy.

  1. Iā€™m one of the founders of this company and itā€™s largest individual shareholder.

  2. Iā€™m the CEO. This is my day job and I have a duty to the shareholders (including myself) to do it well.

But beyond the titles, Iā€™m also always changing smaller hats throughout any given day.

I structure my schedule around the three main hats I have no choice but to wear.

If you donā€™t manage this well, you burn out. Either from trying to do it all, or simply not understanding which hat you need to put on for the task at hand.

Read the rest. šŸ‘‰ļø 


Meta Ads Creative Hack: Make Ugly Ads With Barry Hott


Scale your business with more cash and less stress.

We are Fractional CFOs, Controllers, Accountants and Bookkeepers.

After a few years of losses and declining sales, we helped the following baby-focused eCom brand turn the ship around for an 8-figure exit. How did we help?

  • Found new and better financing

  • Optimized ad and marketing budgets

  • Helped with supplier negotiations, got better terms

  • Forecasting and scenario planning to make sure we could adapt to changing economy and buyer behavior

  • Cut non-performing SKUs

  • and more šŸ˜œ 

Sales growth for this CPG brand was phenomenal but we needed to break even, right away. How did we help?

  • Better reporting for all departments

  • Tight budgets and cost controls

  • Optimized ad and marketing budgets

  • SKU rationalization project

  • Set up subsidiaries in Asia and USA

  • and more šŸ˜Ž 

"Matt is knowledgeable and knows his shit. He also is super connected and we always appreciate his guidance. Having someone to look at the numbers with on a regular basis that knows what they all mean is huge."

Brandi Tindall | Co-Founder, Sunna Inc. | Workspace6 Member

The Workspace6 offer? Book a spot to chat about all the lost profit we can find in your business and get a free Financial Plan, valued at $2,500 for the first 10 bookings:

  • 3 year financial forecast, by month

  • P&L, cash flow plan and balance sheet forecast

  • Marketing and CAC budgets

  • Recommendations from our CFOs for increasing your valuation and more

Matt Putra isnā€™t just your go-to at Eightx, heā€™s also a long-time Workspace6 member. Book a call with him here.


  • @andreilunev: I've been testing a lot of account setups recently, including Bid Caps, ASC+ with and without caps, Cost Caps and ROAS-optimized ones. Here's the full guide on how to set up your account for scaling with Bid Caps while maintaining profitability (bookmark this) šŸ§µšŸ‘‡

  • Norman Farrar: The Best Ways to Manage Cashflow For eCommerce Businesses

  • Aaron Orendorff: Our AI SMS campaigns are now driving +1.5xā€“2x revenue vs traditional texts. Today, we unlocked the full tool ā€” for free.

  • Jeremy Horowitz: Every year, Post-BFCM I read through Bessemerā€™s 10 Laws of Ecommerce. And remind myself of how this game is actually played. Violate them at your own peril.

  • @heyitsalexP: Most marketing orgs suck at annual planning. Why? Because the objective is not defined well enough to serve as a foundation for a real strategy.





Landing pages are the EASIEST way to cut your CPA by 20-30%.

But 90%% of the people ignore it.

Here's the guide to improving your Landing page performance by 80%.


Folks! Itā€™s been an absolute pleasure being welcomed into your respective inboxes this year. We kicked off in late 2022 and the first year of our operations has officially flown right by.

But, can we be the first to say how bullish we are on the future?

Doom-and-gloomers, begone! Weā€™re here for 2024. šŸ’Ŗ 

YEE-YEE! šŸ¤  

