Issue 076: 5 Ad Types to Make 👉 RIGHT NOW.

PLUS: The 🌶️ Battle-Tested Bid Caps Account Structure

Now that BFCM has come and gone…

Now that Sam Altman has lost, then found, then lost, then refound his home…

Now that Taylor Swift has crashed the internet with Christmas ornaments…

Are we officially ready to… checks notes … resume business as usual? 😮‍💨 


Our two-day shoot this week has been nothing short of invigorating, and it nudged me to share some creative nuggets with you.

A big focus for us right now is creative diversity. I’ve written about it a bunch before. Instead of finding one winning style, you need to find multiple winning formats and concepts. That being said, here are 5 concepts you should try.

1. ASMR with Headline:​

Sometimes simple works, and you can get a little hacky with this one. ASRM works if you have an appealing product. Sometimes just a short ASMR video with some copy overlay and maybe a good customer quote can work well.

3. Negative UGC (User Generated Content) Review:​

Users are pretty savvy to the positive, "I'm obsessed" style of UGC now and it doesn't hold much merit. You have to get more creative. When I see an ad that starts with "Why I love this product", I skip it because I already know what it's going to say. When I see an ad that starts with "Did I just waste my money" or "Why people are hating this product", I'm like woah where is this going? The trick is to morph it into something positive that actually sells your product instead of being clickbait.

Read the rest… 👉️ 


Homestead COO and Head of Marketing @ Crossnet: Joel Padron on NMT 🎙️ 


$100 Lunch For You & The Best Credit For Your Brand

Ordinarily, in a situation where you’re encouraging folks to book a call with a company that wants their business a few things are at play, and one of them simply must be that the offer is kind of “meh”.

Like, “Okay. I’ll get on the phone with you for 30 mins exactly. Then I will take my $100 Uber Eats credit that you’ve given me and promptly order my food.”

Here’s the problem: This offer isn’t “meh”. Not even a little. It’s pretty kick ass. And it’s not hidden or anything. What’s cool is that this is the offer, and Martin over at Parker just wants to jump on a call, talk about your business, and how they might be able to help you with things like:

  • 90 Day Repayment Periods

  • Market-Leading Credit Terms

  • No Interest or Hidden Fees

  • Rolling terms on transactions

  • Some of the best credit limits around

  • Connections to your shop so your limit can grow with you

  • A financial partner who gets DTC businesses

Sound like something worth a 30 min call and $100 in Uber Eats?

In the words of Shirley MacLaine in Steel Magnolias, “These are not difficult questions.”

Boring Disclaimer: New customers only, and conditional on actually booking a call.


  • @RomanEcom: Hacker Hack: You restrict the domains that can access your ad account. So now a hacker has to do two things…

  • @austriker27: CX win 🔥 » Customer abandons cart… Gets my plain text email (below)… Customer says, “Shipping was too high…” My next move that saves the sale…

  • @SeanEcom: Ecom lesson of the day: What is Amazon DSP and should you use it?

  • @chburdett: 10 iron-clad laws that helped me build a one-of-a-kind brand in a simple tweet.

  • Sarah Levinger: 🚀 Not sure who needs this right now, but here's the 9 go-to ChatGPT prompts I use on the daily to write psychology-based ad copy…



  • Retail TouchPoints: Ingredients for Holiday Marketing Magic: Agility, Creativity and Personalization [REPORT]

  • AdAge: Musk tells advertisers who pulled their ad spend to “Go F*ck Yourself.” (Kind of.)

  • WaPo: Newsletter platform Substack takes aim at YouTube

  • Retail Gazette: Amazon launches pre-loved Second Chance store

  • similarweb Blog: TikTok: A Pretty Powerful Force in Beauty Ecommerce

  • RetailDive: Cyber Monday shoppers spent $12.4 billion online: Adobe


Brand owners often blow a lot of money on UGC Content to use for their brands

Here’s the best way to get UGC content for a fraction of the cost. 👇️ 


Alright, this week is officially over. We’re limping into the weekend when really, everyone ought to have just taken this week off.

Congrats to everyone for the finalization of what is arguably the biggest sale day of the calendar.

And congrats to Sam Altman, the most wanted man in cyberspace.

We send no regards, however, to Taylor Swift.

