Issue 071: 10 Laws for One-Of-A-Kind Brands

PLUS: Scroll-stopping ad hooks from top DTC brands

Mark it in your calendars, folks.

November 13th is officially Taylor Swift Hordes Attack Shopify Merchants Remembrance Day.

Fact: We scheduled this email before fact-checking that rumor. ☝️ 

On with the show, y’all!


Here is a medley of maybe useful advice that will help you, that helped me when I started Pip Decks (and also serves as a useful reminder to myself, especially point 7).

Develop your prototype to solve this one person’s problem - and do not stop until it is perfect. Seth Godin calls this the “minimum viable audience”. There are more people on this Earth than you can feasibly comprehend. I promise you there at least 100,000 other people who need what you made for that one person.

This point is only possible if you followed point 1. A product that solves a painful and specific problem is inherently remarkable (i.e., worth remarking upon). If the rash on your skin goes away after using this special cream, you are going to tell your friends who also have the same rash.

..or don’t bother at all. It is a risk to try and blend in amongst what already exists. Your visual aesthetic and brand needs to be totally f**king wild and different - or you will be another cow in the field. Be a purple cow.

...test like you’re wrong. You are only as good as your ability to test your riskiest assumptions as quickly as possible. For example, if you assume your new subscription business model is going to pathe the road to financial salvation - you better test that offer before you invest time and money setting it up. Similarly, starting out a business - you better test people will actually buy what you’re offering before you actually build it.


Audit and Redesign for Draco Slides: Increasing Average Order Value 💰


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  • @sourfraser: In the last 5 yrs, we’ve generated over a quarter billion views for DTC brands. Here's my SECRET SAUCE on how we create converting creatives. [IMAGE]

  • @BillDA: “Do what makes you happy!” is awful advice. Indulgence and hedonism today leads to emptiness and frustration tomorrow. “Do what WILL make you happy” is the proper framing.

  • @emailoftoday: Email Marketing Tip: Send a “Customer of the Month” email every now & then. (Here's How...)

  • @dwilleboordse: What most people think Meta ad ➡️ Purchase... Here's what the real journey looks like...

  • @codyplof: Meta ROAS good= I am a god level media buyer ROAS not good = The American consumer is hurting. Insert cherry-picked statistic I found from Chat GPT



  • PYMNTS: TikTok Creating Its Own eCommerce Fulfillment Network

  • Social Media Today: The Four Most Effective Types of Social Media Content [Infographic]

  • BBC: UK economy flatlines as higher interest rates bite

  • MarketingWeek: Brands to spend record £9.5bn on Christmas advertising

  • Wall Street Journal: How Work From Home Has Reshaped What Americans Buy

  • ADWEEK: Advertisers Are Investing in TikTok Shops Despite Mostly Tepid Results


Want to see some cool Ad Hooks? 🚀 

Breaking down scroll stoppers of top DTC brands in the carousel 👇



We’re out!

Cross your fingers Taylor Swift doesn’t crack open another can of Fresh Hell for us to all freak out about tomorrow.

Until next time! ✌️
